Background Image Alternative Text: Service Dawgs volunteers working on the Habitat for Humanity house.


Bulldog Experience is focused on expanding the experiential learning activities offered at MSU by increasing both faculty-created activities and co-curricular, or outside the classroom, activities. Students are encouraged to reflect after participating in these activities to create new knowledge and apply it to their futures.

Video: Bulldog Experience from the student perspective.

Why Should Students Participate in Bulldog Experience?

  1. By participating in Bulldog Experience, students will attain career competencies beyond the content knowledge of their major.

  2. By producing a tangible written or spoken representation of student reflection, communication skills are further refined and developed; Communication is one of the most important professional skills we can develop.

  3. Students participating in Bulldog Experience will have the opportunity for creative application of what they have learned in class.

  4. Through reflection of their experiences, students will create new knowledge which will help them better prepare for life after graduation.  All experiences reflected upon have the potential for being transformed into real learning that can shape one’s values, goals, and future success.

  5. Through participation in experiential learning opportunities, students will also graduate with a Comprehensive Learner Record.  A Comprehensive Learner Record is a comprehensive record of all aspects of a student’s involvement in experiential learning activities; as opposed to a traditional Academic Transcript which is a record of a student’s accomplishments related only to academic coursework.

  6. By submitting the proper documentation of their experiences throughout a student’s academic career, they have the opportunity to graduate with Bulldog Recognition.

  7. Research has shown that those who regularly reflect on their experiences are happier than, more productive than, and outperform those who do not (Di Stefano, Gino, Pisano, & Staats, 2014).

Ready to reflect?

Why Should Faculty Participate in Bulldog Experience?

  1. By participating in Bulldog Experience, faculty can demonstrate teaching effectiveness for Annual Review through inclusion of experiential learning activities [Diversity/Global Learning, Service Learning/Community-Engaged Learning, Internships/Co-ops, Capstone Courses and Projects, Field Trips, Field Experience, Undergraduate Research, and First-Year Seminars and Experiences] in courses & the feedback obtained within Bulldog Experience reflections.

  2. Participation in Bulldog Experience can assist faculty in demonstrating excellence in teaching for promotion.

  3. By incorporating reflection as a required course assignment, faculty are given the opportunity to gain information concerning the extent to which students can apply what was taught in their courses as well as within degree programs.

  4. Because Experiential Learning is student-centered by design, students are more active, engaged, and motivated.

  5. Experiential Learning activities allow faculty to provide authentic experiences to students.

  6. Faculty can receive support for Experiential Learning efforts through the Office of Bulldog Experience: Training (Reflection & Assessment) and Monetary Assistance (Grants).

Video: Bulldog Experience from the faculty perspective.

Additional resources for faculty can be found here.